University Pathway Program (대학진행 과정) 이란?
사설 어학원에서 대학에서 필요한 에세이 라이팅, 리서치 스킬, 스피킹, 토론스킬등을 준비시켜주는 프로그램으로 IELTS나 TOEFL 등과 같은 공인시험 점수없이 어학원에서 일정한 레벨을 수료한 후에 컬리지나 대학교로 입학하는 것을 말합니다. 어학원마다 대학진학과정 프로그램 이름은 다르지만 성향은 똑 같다고 생각하시면 됩니다.
Pathway, UT( University Transfer ) Program , UCPP(University and College Pathway Program ) 

정규대학 & Pathway

Pathway | ILAC Academic Pathway Program

페이지 정보

작성자 UPTOUHAK 작성일15-10-26 17:00 조회10,713회 댓글0건



Toronto 대학을 목표로 한다면 반드시 한번 들어보게 되는 사설학원 ILAC 입니다.
지난 10년간 많은 상을 수여한 학원입니다.

  • 97% of our students would recommend ILAC to a friend*
  • 18 years of experience in providing high quality English programs 
  • Highly qualified teachers and dedicated staff
  • Partnerships with 65+ Universities & Colleges
  • Students from over 70 countries

Academic Pathway Program

All students who graduate from the Academic Pathway Program Certificate are able to achieve the required TOEFL/IELTS score and acquire the academic skills to succeed in University. This includes writing essays, researching and giving oral presentations. Our team of qualified University and College Placement specialists will help you gain acceptance to the University or College best suited to your goals.

  • Prepares students to study at a Canadian university or college
  • Students learn to write university essays of 1000+ words
  • Successful students can enroll in partner universities and colleges in Canada
  • Graduates will be able to achieve a successful TOEFL score of 80 – 100 iBT

Program Information


  • Students who test at the Pre-Advanced level can begin the program immediately (Pathway 1)
  • Students who test below Pre-Advanced will begin in the General English program

Levels and Program Lengths

LevelProgram Length
High Advanced8 weeks - 12 weeks
Advanced16 weeks - 20 weeks
Pre-Advanced24 weeks - 28 weeks
High Intermediate32 weeks - 36 weeks
Intermediate40 weeks - 44 weeks
Pre-Intermediate48 weeks - 52 weeks
Beginner52 weeks - 56 weeks
대학교 리스트 및 입학조건레벨 도표


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